CFP for Congress 2022

The Canadian South Asian Studies Association/Association canadienne d’études sud-asiatiques (CSASA-ACESA) is a scholarly association affiliated with the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences. We will host our first meeting on May 12, 2022, at the Federation’s Annual Congress, Canada’s largest academic gathering, running from May 12-20, 2022. Please save the date and forward this announcement widely.

Individual, Panel, and Roundtable Proposal Topic:
Study of South Asia offers an invaluable lens to engage with complex issues in our globalized world in historical and contemporary terms. We invite colleagues to submit individual paper proposals, fully formed panels, and roundtable submissions on topics related to the languages, literatures, politics, histories, philosophies, religions, and peoples of South Asia. Individual proposals, panels, and roundtables that represent a diversity of views are especially solicited. Researchers at all stages, including those working on MAs and PhDs, are encouraged to apply. Proposals may be written in English or French.

Proposal Format and Length:

Individual Papers: Paper abstracts should be a maximum of 250 words; accepted proposals will be matched with other thematically-related submissions.

Panels: Full panel submissions should consist of three or four presenters, a moderator, and a respondent. Panel proposals should include a title and a thematic abstract (150 words), along with individual presentation proposals (250 words each) for every participant.

Roundtable: Full roundtable submissions should have a defined theme and include three or four presenters, with a moderator. Roundtable proposals should include a title and abstract (250 words), along with a list of participants and outline of their proposed contributions (500 words).

Submissions and Deadline: Final submissions should be emailed to by Monday February 28, 2022, 23:59 EST.

CSASA-ACESA 2022 Business Meeting: Study of South Asia in Canadian Academic Contexts: How can we collaborate across regions, and share resources to enhance engagements with South Asian Canadian studies? The one-day program will include a business meeting and general planning session where members can share suggestions and ideas for CSASA-ACESA to serve the needs of our community.

“Transitions” The 2022 Congress theme of “Transitions” invites participants to submit proposals reflecting on the last two years of the Covid-19 pandemic, and to re-imagine how we may emerge from this time with a greater focus on equity, inclusion, diversity, and decolonisation. Taking these concerns through the lens of Canadian South Asian Studies, we solicit papers exploring the theme of “Transitions” in ways that can help us understand and shape our current circumstances constructively and creatively.